Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Bargain

Life is just a giant game of monopoly. We go around and around the board till we become bankrupt. Then it's all over. Some people lose, some people win. The question is how do we win?

For me, winning would be considered knowing that others know I'm a real people. There are a lot of people in this world who have led lives and were just false people. They weren't real, legitimate people. I don't necessarily mean that they were frauds. More so, they weren't personal people. They were just sort of in people's lives but they weren't a part of them - much like a drive-thru. [You drive in to grab what you need and you leave.] However, I suppose that's what I don't want to be. I want to be able to say that I have influenced people for the better, I have been able to help those around me. When I die, I want to be able to know that I wasn't a mere wanderer in the lives of others, but a support. I want to be able to say that I've truly done something with my life. Sure, this is idealistic, but I hope I can do it. I hope people will look beyond my short comings and allow me to be this person. After all, it's not a one way thing. We've got to give to receive.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Each and every one of us has characteristics that we're ashamed of. We all want to remove these and somehow make them leave us. Some of them are more obvious than others. Some of us suffer from being selfish, heartless people, while others from being inconsiderate and inattentive. Other people are stubborn, prideful people. Of course, there are so many different unwanted personality characteristics that we may have. It's difficult to get around these personality traits. Our natural tendencies - our behavior - naturally pushes us in that direction to be... well, what's natural to us. We don't notice it, or rather by the time we do - the chance to redeem ourselves has already passed. Each of us has our own problems.

However, I do not think it's something that we should have to suffer. It is something that we, as individuals, must learn to live with. Just because it is something that is natural to us doesn't mean that it is something that we must hold onto. We should attempt to accept it, cope with it, and attempt to fix it. We must avoid striving for perfection, because this will only lead to failure... ultimately to self-destruction. Knowing that it is a problem and recognizing it is the best cure for such things. It may not be easy, but it is something that we should do - if not for ourselves, but for the people around us.