Each and every generation works differently. Our parents' generation was a generation that had to work hard to get anything that they wanted. As a child, if they wanted to go play baseball or something, they had to get on their feet and get a group together. However, they were used to working hard. Similarly, in college, many of our parents had to hold a job on the side to simply stay in college. There wasn't an option.
Our generation, however, is a generation that gets what they want. As a child, I grew up playing soccer and baseball and whatnot. My parents drove me to soccer practice and picked me up afterwards. There wasn't much effort on my behalf. All I had to do was be awake, put some clothes on, and walk out of the house and sit down in the car. In college, it's not really a necessity that I have a job, rather it's something that I'd like to hold onto to have that extra spending money. I know it's not necessarily the same for everyone, but as a general statement, I think it's true that we have it better off than our parents.
As a result, this influences the way we think. Yes, we may be hard-working - just like our parents. We may be just as ambitious, but one thing I lack is patience. I'm someone that wants to see tangible results. Immediate results that come as fruit from our labor. Thus, when I start a big project, it's just so easy for me to give up when things get difficult. I will have this giant dream to drastically change the world, but when troubles come my way, it's difficult for me to carry on. It's something that I believe is a shortcoming in me. I'm a dreamer, an idealist that dreams of utopia and saving the world. Unfortunately, all these dreams are too short-lived to be anything meaningful. Hopefully, however, I can dream long enough to make some of them come to life.
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