Saturday, July 17, 2010

On Style

"it is virtually impossible for a man to dress well if he does not select his own clothing. With few exceptions, sophisticated dressers - be they men or women - rarely trust their wardrobe choices to a second party, no matter how respected or beloved that person might be. The man who aspires to cultivate a feel for stylish neckwear must be willing to immerse himself in the trial-and error process of its screening selection. A man can learn as much from a failed purchase - the tie that looked so smart in the shop but now rarely escapes his closet - as he can from one he cannot stop wearing. Confidence comes from being able to make the right decision, not having it made for you." - Alan Flusser, Style & the Man

As I was reading this book, I found this quote to be something that goes beyond dressing yourself. Interesting, interesting... I suppose it takes, at the very least, a little bit of faith to gain confidence.

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