Friday, March 20, 2009

Fear and Desire

As I look over the things I've done in the past few days, I notice that they've been rooted in two things: fear and desire. Fear is a major driving force behind what I do - I think it's a major driving force behind what we, as humans, do. We fear something, so we do it. Our homework is not done because we want to do it. No, we do it because we fear the repercussions of our parents breathing down our necks. Perhaps, we strive to do it so we get better, but ultimately it is driven by this fear of our self-image; so we can progress just like the rest of the people around us. Often, I find it is fear that leads us on; the fear of being ostracized, the fear of being hated, sometimes even the fear of being accepted.

One thing that strikes me is how everyone seems to conform to one standard. Perhaps, this is led by the fear of being alone. I think this is ultimately what we all desire. We desire companionship and relationships. This is what we want. We as people were made to create and make relationships. Whether you believe in God, or nihilism, we all desire genuine intimacy with one another. I cannot think of anyone who is genuinely happy and is alone.

Inspired by: Lifting Shadows Off A Dream - Dream Theater

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