Friday, March 27, 2009


Are we really free? In this place we call America, justice and freedom are considered the greatest thing. However, I don't think we are free. We're confined to what others think. We're confined in our own little bubble of stereotypes, of expectations that other people put on us. This is obvious in the way we greet each other. "Hey, how are you?" "Good" At this point in time, my head is questioning your answer. Are you just saying that because you're expected to? Freedom is not something that is paid for in blood. It is a state of mind; a perspective. So often, we're confined by what we think expectations of us are that we lose any individuality. I think the problem is that we strive too much to be accepted by everyone else. However, we cannot become all individualistic, as this is when a society ceases to function.

1 comment:

  1. you have an "f" subject theme running throughout the history of your three posts so far.

    it's not so bad to want to be accepted.
    maybe some people would just rather fit in than be an individual recognized for their individuality.
    we can't all be our own person, or wholly our own - saying what we wish - doing what we want, or, like you said - society would erupt into chaos.
